Physiotherapy Services
Who Needs Physiotherapy Services?
You may have driven by our physiotherapy clinic in the beautiful Annapolis Valley and wondered--what is a physiotherapy clinic and who needs physiotherapy services? Consider these four different instances when our services may help!
Arthritis Sufferers - One of the issues we help with more than anything is arthritis. Our arthritis patients are excited to have a medical professional that understands the pain they are going through and that has treatment options available.
Post Op Patients - When patients have undergone a minor or major operation, there is a lot of rehab involved to get back on their feet once again. We regularly work with post op patients helping them to get back to their best selves.
Those with Aches and Pains - Aches and pains may not be something you simply have to deal with. Additionally, it doesn’t always just come down to taking pain medication or NSAIDs. There are certain physiotherapy services that can help reduce the pain and help you get on with your day to day activities much easier.
Post Accident Patients - If you’ve been in a car or other accident, therapy often helps you ease the pain and get back to life as normal more quickly.
Those with Taxing Jobs - If you have a job that involves being on your feet, carrying heavy loads or sitting for extended periods of time, you may wonder if there is an easy way to get relief. A physiotherapy treatment could be exactly what you need.
Now that you know more about who uses physiotherapy services at a physiotherapy clinic Annapolis Valley residents like you might be interested in learning more. Reach out to us at West Hants Physiotherapy today. Our team of experts is excited to help you feel your best with our caring therapy and experience.